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6:01 11 months ago
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YOUR FEET ARE LIKE TOYS Please log in or sign up and UPLOAD some videos to watch this private video.

This video is a private video uploaded by ernestojuarez.
Models: Feet ANGEL Body
Even though little Mei-Mei has made mistakes in the past, Amazon Angel is always there to help her out. Little Mei-Mei loves having such a big giant as her roommate, and loves wrapping her little arms around Angel's incredibly long legs. Little Mei-Mei still can not get over how big Angel really is, and compares her little body parts to Angel's big, long arms and legs. Even her feet are enormous compared to Mei-Mei's puny little toes. They have a little fun together by playing with each other's feet, which is quite a sight considering how different these two are! This just goes to show that giants and little people can get along just fine.
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